Buying Instagram Followers: The Pros and Cons

Buying Instagram Followers: The Pros and Cons

It is hardly surprising that I’m obsessed with social media, especially in Instagram. As a visual person, I love strong visual communication and storytelling. The photo service Instagram has made it possible to track businesses and individuals daily in a unique way. From the perspective of marketing communications, however, the various social media channels pose challenges for many, whether it is an international company, a micro entrepreneur here in Turku, or an individual blogger. On the other hand, some open doors and offer a new way of seeing, reaching new audiences and making money.

It is quite silly to question whether we are staring at the number of marketers and content creators we follow on Instagram. If you do not do this luckily, you probably do not care! Honestly, I admit that I follow daily the and Instagram numbers of our advertising agency in particular. We also record the followers of our social channels on a monthly basis and analyze what was profitable and what was not. As a company, of course, we want to provide our followers with the highest quality, entertaining and viewer friendly content. On the flip side, of course, are the goals of raising awareness, building trust, and maximizing conversions. Of course, every business should aim for this because there is no business without trade.

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Money can be made and the horse can get

My email fluctuates weekly with sales messages from trusted internationals offering thousands of Instagram followers for money. How tempting! In addition, cheap! Instead of going into the likes and followers buying process, I encourage you to read this interesting Yale news article: Would you buy 10,000 Social Likes for $ 50? However, I would like to consider the pros and cons of this phenomenon.

How did you go about it? Buying Instagram Followers Cons:

Buying Instagram Followers Cheap and getting great followers has been made extremely easy. However, the fact is that the buyer pays for profiles that do not have the right person behind the needs and social skills of the right people. In other words, empty profiles are only air.

You get caught buying likes. A few days ago, I ran into advertising company with 10k + followers on Instagram. I was immediately interested and I clicked on my company profile. I wanted to find out what kind of quality content the company is producing and possibly learning something new itself. The disappointment was bitter when I discovered that most of the followers were international individuals from countries where English captioning is hardly understood. Result? That Company Profile will hardly be able to create meaning for me in the future, let alone commit.

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Purchased fake dealers are unlikely to buy company products or services.

By acquiring followers from the likes factory, the buyer is likely to support cheap labor and trample on human rights.

Not Good, Buying Instagram Followers Pros:

  • A large following means that the owner of the Instagram account has influence.This in turn means that more users are likely to commit to account releases by liking, commenting, and sharing. On Instagram, as on many other social media channels, these releases get more free exposure. So free advertising! It is more likely that the publications to which users are committed will also appear on the “Featured” page of the service.
  • An account with a large following is credible. Many brands manage to make additional sales through their social channels. It also enables successful launches of new products and services, not only in terms of sales, but also in terms of increased awareness.
  • Maintaining brand loyalty and increasing tribalism is much easier for users with hundreds of thousands of active followers than for those with “just” a few hundred fans. Of course, maintaining your own tribe requires effort in content production.

Which camp do you want to belong to?

When it comes to buying followers, as entrepreneurs and marketers, we may sometimes be tempted. Success is behind work and pain in social media. However, like almost everything else, as I follow my monthly analytics, I discover a tremendous sense of joy and success every time my marketing efforts are bearing fruit, little by little.

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